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Try CompanionLabs free for 14 days, there's no risk and it's easy to get started. After your trial, pay one simple price to take advantage of CompanionLabs for all your Facebook ad accounts.

Performance Grading

When an ad set reaches a statistically significant level of performance, we grade it with a simple A though F grading scale. All ad sets are categorized by funnel stage (prospecting versus retargeting), and optimization goal, and then assigned a grade within that category. These grades make performance easy to understand, but also become the foundation of the CompanionLabs recommendations to help you scale quickly, save time and save money.

Recommendation Center

Recommendations are how CompanionLabs helps you optimize your ad spend while saving you precious time. Predictive budget recommendations let you scale your best performing ad sets aggressively. They also save you money by telling you when to pull back on average to poor performers. Pause recommendations let you know an ad set isn't likely to improve. Bidding recommendations help you control costs by suggesting bid levels and running bidtests. Creative recommendations let you know when an ad needs a refresh or a replacement.

Performance Trends

Quickly see your performace by funnel stage. Compare your performance trends against the Target Performance Threshold you want to achieve. Understand true performance trends despite day-to-day volatility. It all comes down to quickly understanding your trending over time in a way that you can't through ads manager or other tools. You can also see these trends for each ad set so you know the impact of CompanionLabs recommendations on your advertising.

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